Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poland — Parting is bittersweet....

We really appreciate the hard work Susan has done faithfully writing this blog during our trip.   I don't think she has access to a computer today, so I'm going to add a few of my thoughts. 
Last night was the closing of the Missions Conference.   It was so hard for all of us to say goodbye to the children and missionaries.   GEM isn't going to have a conference next year because they plan on having an outreach at the London Summer Olympics instead.   So for many of these missionary kids it will be a full two years before they see each other again.   One message that they told us again and again was how much it meant to fellowship with other kids who were going through the same struggles as they were.   Many of them go to schools where they are one of the only Christians.   They are often ridiculed for their faith and beliefs.  During the week they shared with us how they have tried to share their faith with their friends and neighbors.   These kids are amazing and I'm so proud of every one of them.  Here are just a sampling of some of the pictures we took this week.   We will have a program on Sept. 11th (after the 2nd service) where we will share more stories and pictures.                        -Sarah
These are the bird masks the 9-12 year olds made after learning about God creating the birds and the fish.
The entire childcare team.

Andy with all of her puppets!

The 9-12 year olds with their pop-tab bracelets they made.

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